Wednesday 25 October 2017

String Art

Goal: explain about string art and reflect critically on my own work

String Art

For calf and lamb day the teachers decided we needed a change. So this year the Year 7 & 8’s did string art, the Year 5 & 6’s did salt dough creations, the Year 3 & 4’s did rock painting and the Year 1 & 2’s did tin can creations.

If you are wondering what string art is, it’s when you nail around the edges of your picture and then you tie the end of the string to a nail and wind it around the nails.

A few weeks before we had to know what picture we were doing so Mrs Hancock and Miss Jury could get the string in the colours we need. When the wood came  we had to paint it, I painted mine white. When we decided our picture we printed it off and cut it out so we can trace around the picture.

The day before calf and lamb day we nailed in all the nails and wound the string around the nails in the morning, I chose black and bright blue string. In the afternoon the judges judged them.

For my art I did two birds on a branch, maybe if we do it next year I think I might try a simpler picture. If I could change one thing about my art is to make my nails straight because on my art the nails were quite crooked and it didn’t look the way I wanted it to be.

When I walked into Room 6 (where everyone’s art was displayed) I went straight to my string art, there was a blue tag stuck beside my art. I had come second! I said congratulations to the other people who got other places.