Thursday 21 September 2017

Persuasive Writing

Persuasive Writing

Yesterday Room 3 and 4 did some persuasive writing to explain why our group deserved a box of Favourites. The first thing we did was got into groups of four and we got 20 minutes to write a persuasive piece of writing about why we should win a box of Favourites. After the 20 minutes was up a group went up one at a time to share what they had written, my group (Libby, Troy, Leah and I) went second. Miss Jury recorded our speech.

Once everyone had shared we got sent outside for a run while Mrs Hancock and Miss Jury discussed who deserved a box of Favourites, (there were two boxes of Favourites so two teams could win.) I don’t mean to sound competitive but I really wanted to win, but Aylah’s group (Sam, Kaleb, Hollie and Aylah) won one box and the other box got shared with the rest of the class.

When they introduced persuasive writing to us, Mrs Hancock and Miss Jury held up two boxes of Favourites and if we wanted it we had to write a very good piece of persuasive writing to win the boxes of chocolates. They said that the group with the best persuasive writing will win the box of chocolates. We had to do the persuasive writing because Room 3 and 4 have to write proposals to the board for enviro, room 4 are asking for bees and my class are asking for lots of things.

After we had finished we opened a google doc and put all the things that we learned about persuasive writing. We learned that in the introduction you need to put who, what, where, how and why. Also that the first paragraph has the strongest idea, each piece of persuasive writing needs about 3 or 4 main ideas. A piece of persuasive writing needs language features like strong and powerful adjectives, emotive words, rhetorical questions, present tense, facts and statistics, etc.

Writing persuasive speeches is very interesting and fun, I think that doing some more persuasive writing for different things will help me learn a lot quicker.

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